16 Images serving up high quality Cartoon Network 90’s wallpapers and a color scheme change make up this Cartoon Network 90’s Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1/10 and Windows 11 Theme Pack download for your desktop.

What’s it about?

Cartoons from the 90’s that defined a generation. Iconic moments from shows like Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry, Flintstones, Jetsons, Looney Tunes, Space Ghost, Samurai Jack, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff Girls and others. A nostalgic theme for 90s kids.

What’s in the theme?

This theme pack consists of several HD Cartoon Network 90’s wallpapers acting as a slideshow that changes every 30 mins along with a Windows color scheme change. All wallpapers are of 1920×1080 resolution or more and will fit both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.

Is it compatible?

This theme pack will work in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows RT 8.1, Windows RT, and in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate editions.