17 Images serving up high quality Anime Swordsmen wallpapers and a color scheme change make up this Anime Swordsmen Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1/10 and Windows 11 Theme Pack download for your desktop.

What’s it about?

The greatest anime characters to wield a sword. Starring popular swordsmen like Zoro, Kenshin, Erza, Gintoki, Yato, Afro, Saber, Rin, Akame, InuYasha, Kirito, Shana, Mugen, Jin, Claire, Guts, Mifune and Ichigo. A great colorful theme to slice and spice up your desktop.


What’s in the theme?

This theme pack consists of several HD Anime Swordsmen wallpapers acting as a slideshow that changes every 30 mins along with a Windows color scheme change. All wallpapers are of 1920×1080 resolution or more and will fit both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.



Is it compatible?

This theme pack will work in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows RT 8.1, Windows RT, and in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate editions.